Calucem contributing in challenging Coronavirus times: supporting socially responsible business

The supply contract with Tekop Nova, valued at 140 thousand kuna, was renewed for another year. Tekop Nova will make 280 pieces of high-visibility work clothes for the employees of the cement factory in Pula.
PULA – Although the coronavirus pandemic has paralyzed a significant part of the economic activity in Pula, some businesses still manage to “show their teeth” in these challenging times. Of course with maximum safety and protection of their workers in their mind. One of these businesses is the institution for the employment of people with disabilities – Tekop Nova. They are organized into two teams of people and each team takes turns every 14 days. On a somewhat smaller scale than usual, as we learn from the director Mihaela Zubić, as spring has traditionally been the part of the year in which most of their work was done related to the upcoming touristic season. “We’ve been working all this time, but our business has dropped as this period has usually been tied to ordering for the tourism sector. Given that the coronavirus pandemic has completely stopped this activity and it is still uncertain whether and in what form it will be able to start again this summer, all requirements for the travel companies, except for the essential ones, have been temporarily placed on hold. Of course, this largely applies to the work agreed with us, “said director Zubić.
However, although it has temporarily stopped tourism, the coronavirus has failed to stop our domestic industry, so production throughout this pandemic continues in the Pula cement factory Calucem, which recently signed a new contract with Tekop Nova, which continues on the successful cooperation that started about two years ago. This partnership between Calucem and Tekop Nova is for the production of high visibility work clothes, which began in May 2018, and the renewed contract that was signed is a reconfirmation of their successful business together.
As we learn from Calucem, the contract was renewed for another year, and is valued at 140 thousand kuna. Tekop Nova will produce 280 pieces of high-visibility work clothes, so-called high visibility (HI VIS) suits, for employees of the cement factory in Pula. The work suits are intended for employees from the production as well as for the maintenance department Calucem, stating that they are continuing this partnership as they are very satisfied with the products delivered thus far. “We care about this partnership as in addition to supporting local producers, Calucem also shows social responsibility as the Tekop Nova Protection Workshop project employs people with disabilities and through this work supports their socialization and integration into society.”, the plant manager of the Pula cement factory Mihajlo Mirković told us on the occasion of renewing the contract with Tekop.
Satisfied partners are the foundation of any successful and long-lasting business relationship, states Mihaela Zubić, the director of that institution, and she doesn’t hide her satisfaction that even in these difficult times Calucem have not forgotten about them and the partnership with Calucem has continued.